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    I often get asked the question: 'Why did you start tutoring?' I have a deep love of learning that I can trace back to my parents, my experiences in school, and my interaction with all different people of the world. I look at learning like a game of Jenga, if just the wrong (or right) piece is missing the entire tower crumbles. I have worked at two very different 'tutoring centers' and I have learned both good and bad things about striving to help students overcome their obstacles in the learning process. I emphasize their because, all too often, conflicts in goals between the school system, the parents, and the students aren't exactly in line as they should be. Parents often forget that children have to learn these 'new' techniques and don't usually recall their own struggles through these processes.

    I started my home business to bring a high quality product to my customers at a lower price. Competition is the driving force, but not my mantra, rather seeing a child succeed and finally grasp that concept that is troubling them is my goal. That is my expectation of myself.

    I currently am tutoring 5 students from Santee to La Jolla, and can travel to your location. So, if you're pulling that graying hair out of your head and feel lost, shoot me an email and I will build up that dam of knowledge for you and/or your student.